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Consider Making a Donation

Fair Chance Works is a public benefit corporation (PBC) licensed to conduct business in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and West Virginia. As a PBC, the Specific Purpose of our mission statement is "To support individuals in recovery from substance use disorder and others who have been incarcerated by developing their soft skills, increasing their hiring potential, and helping them gain confidence to obtain and retain gainful employment, while constantly striving to reduce the stigmas associated with individuals in recovery and individuals with a criminal past". As a result, much of our time and efforts are performed at no cost and are not reimbursed by the service providers and various institutions that sponsor our training workshops. For example, we recently hosted our Work Forge in London, KY where members of our community could participate in a job fair, an expungement clinic, and visit various service providers that were in attendance. There was no charge to anyone, and everybody received a free lunch which we had catered. To increase the number of attendees at Work Forge, we paid for and manned a booth for four days at a large festival held just prior to our event.
The staff at Fair Chance Works also participates in a whole host of workshops and symposiums held throughout the region to both learn more about the many challenges and barriers faced by fair and second chance jobseekers and to contribute in ways that hopefully helps reduce much of the stigma associated with hiring from this highly underutilized labor pool. 
Plus, all training and placement services rendered to our reentry and recovery clients are always performed at no cost to them. 
We hope that you will consider donating any amount so that we can further build upon our efforts for community outreach.

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Thank you for helping us make a difference!

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